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Soil-based screening for iron toxicity tolerance in rice using pots

作者:Mouritala Sikirou ;Kazuki Saito ;Khady Nani Dramé

来源:Plant Production Science. 2016 ;19(4):489-496.doi:10.1080/1343943X.2016.1186496

出版社:Taylor & Francis Group



Genetic Improvement of Iron Toxicity Tolerance in Rice-Progress, Challenges and Prospects in West Africa

作者:Mouritala Sikirou ;Kazuki Saito ;Enoch G. Achigan-Dako

来源:Plant Production Science. 2015 ;18(4):423-434.doi:10.1626/pps.18.423

出版社:Taylor & Francis Group



Yield and yield-attributing traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under lowland drought and suitability of early vigor as a selection criterion

作者:Arvind Kumar ;Satish Verulkar ;Shalabh Dixit

来源:Field Crops Research. 2009 ;114(1):99-107.doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2009.07.010

出版社:Elsevier BV



Comparative whole genome re-sequencing analysis in upland New Rice for Africa: insights into the breeding history and respective genome compositions

作者:Naoki Yamamoto ;Richard Garcia ;Tomohiro Suzuki

来源:Rice. 2018 ;11(1):33.doi:10.1186/s12284-018-0224-3

出版社:Springer Nature



The large-effect drought-resistance QTL qtl12.1 increases water uptake in upland rice

作者:Jérôme Bernier ;Rachid Serraj ;Arvind Kumar

来源:Field Crops Research. 2009 ;110(2):139-146.doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2008.07.010

出版社:Elsevier BV



Characterization of the effect of a QTL for drought resistance in rice, qtl12.1, over a range of environments in the Philippines and eastern India

作者:Jérôme Bernier ;Arvind Kumar ;Ramaiah Venuprasad

来源:Euphytica. 2009 ;166(2):207-217.doi:10.1007/s10681-008-9826-y

出版社:Springer Nature



Identification and characterization of large-effect quantitative trait loci for grain yield under lowland drought stress in rice using bulk-segregant analysis

作者:Ramaiah Venuprasad ;C. O. Dalid ;M. Del Valle

来源:Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2009 ;120(1):177-190.doi:10.1007/s00122-009-1168-1

出版社:Springer Nature



Genotypic Variation in Grain P Loading across Diverse Rice Growing Environments and Implications for Field P Balances

作者:Elke Vandamme ;Matthias Wissuwa ;Terry Rose

来源:Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 ;7:1435.doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01435

出版社:Frontiers Media S.A.



State of ex situ conservation of landrace groups of 25 major crops

作者:Julian Ramirez-Villegas ;Colin K. Khoury ;Harold A. Achicanoy

来源:Nature Plants. 2022 ;8(5):491-499.doi:10.1038/s41477-022-01144-8

出版社:Springer Nature
