[期刊论文][research article]

Study on the preparation of high performance water reducer by nano-micron monomer in the durability of high performance concrete

作   者:
Liyuan Yang;Yunfei Zhang;


页     码:179 - 189
出版社:Taylor And Francis

摘   要:

Abstract With the rapid development of economy, the scale of construction industry is gradually expanding, and the construction performance and comprehensive performance of each construction project are developing faster and faster. Compared with the traditional superplasticizer, nano-sized polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer has the advantages of high water reducing rate, small collapse loss and good cement adaptability. Chinas polycarboxylic acid high performance water reducer is mainly used in high-speed railway, highway, bridge and other key projects, the market share of commercial concrete is relatively low. In this paper, the research of nano-sized large monomer polycarboxylic acid high performance water reducer in high performance concrete under microscope is studied. The effect of nano-sized large monomer polycarboxylic acid high performance water reducer on durability and compressive strength of high performance concrete is studied.


Nano-sized large monolith;poly-pyridine acid is a high-performance water-reducing agent;microscope

ISSN: 0015-0193
来自:Taylor And Francis