
Recurrent low-grade astroblastoma with signet ring-like cells and high proliferative index

作   者:
Jitendra Gordhanbhai Nasit;Priti Trivedi;


页     码:284 - 292
出版社:Taylor And Francis

摘   要:

Astroblastoma is a rare primary glial tumor of children and young adults. Radiologically astroblastoma presents as a large well-circumscribed supratentorial, solid-cystic heterogeneous mass. Histology shows perivascular pseudorosettes with hyalinization. Only a single case has been reported with signet-ring-like cell morphology. Signet-ring morphology in primary central nervous system tumors is exceedingly rare. Complete surgical resection is the recommended treatment. Prognosis of astroblastoma depends on the extent of resection and histology. The proliferative index may be a useful tool to define prognosis. We present a case of 10-year-old girl having recurrent low-grade astroblastoma with signet ring-like cells and high proliferative index.


astroblastoma;glial tumor;proliferative index;signet-ring-like cells

Fetal and Pediatric Pathology
ISSN: 1551-3815
来自:Taylor And Francis