
Teachers’ Awareness, Attitude and Practice of Teaching Primary School Science Curriculum Vis-A-Vis Constructivist Approach

作   者:
Ayele Lemma;


页     码:50 - 61
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)

摘   要:

The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ awareness, attitude and practice of teaching primary school science curriculum towards constructivist approach. The study was to see how teachers teach the primary science curriculum at classroom level vis-à-vis constructivist approach, as well as, to identify teachers’ awareness and attitude toward constructivist view of teaching and learning in science education. The sources of the data were selected purposefully from science teachers, who teach from grade one to grade six, of one purposefully selected primary school. Qualitative research paradigm and case study research design were used as the methods of the study. The data was analyzed qualitatively. The result revealed that: 1) Teachers were using the traditional approach, lecture as pivotal tool in their classroom episodes; 2) Teachers did not have the understanding of constructivist approach in-depth. Teachers perceived as their direct teaching/purveying of scientific findings could develop the understanding of scientific concepts and skills; 3) Teachers’ attitude towards students’ motivation and capabilities in their learning with respect to constructivist view of learning reflected more of pessimistic views. This attitude is the result of the deep rooted thoughts of positivist/objectivist view and lack of awareness towards constructivist view of learning. Finally, the following solutions were recommended for the identified problems as:1) The Regional Education Bureau, the Zonal Education Office and the Town administration Education Office ought to provide workshops, short term trainings on constructivist approach as referent thinking in science education. 2) The Schools’ Administrators also need to arrange experience sharing among science teachers on content pedagogy in line to constructive view of learning. 3) Teachers educators ought to develop the understanding of the would-be teachers towards constructivist approach.


Constructivist approach; Awareness; Attitude and Practice

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN: 2222-288X
来自:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)