
Corporate Entrepreneurial Impact on Formal Fast food Sector

作   者:
Nabila Khan Nadeem Iqbal;


页     码:25 - 30
出版社:Industrial Engineering Letters

摘   要:

This study aims to get aware how integrating strategies boost up corporate entrepreneurship process. The concept corporate entrepreneurship cover up a broad array of entrepreneurial activities involving innovation, new varieties offered, and new service categories in terms of minor to major change. Purpose of this study is to find out the relationship among corporate entrepreneurship and formal fast sector. For this empirical research primary data is collected by questionnaires and observation method. With help of SPSS, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression model is developed to interpret the results. Basically two variables corporate entrepreneurship (independent) and wealth maximization of formal fast food sector by different determinants(dependant). Results reveal that few determinants have positive relationship while others have negatively correlated with each other.


Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial activities; Innovation ; New services categories ; Food Industry; Intrapreneurship

Industrial Engineering Letters
ISSN: 2225-0581
来自:Industrial Engineering Letters