
Detection of Sybil Attack in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) Using Routing Protocols: A Survey

作   者:
Ruchika Sharma;Satbir Singh;


页     码:358 - 361
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group Journal

摘   要:

Mobile adhoc system (MANET) is one of the broad and productive fields which have licensed exceptional criticalness. All Wireless portable adhoc systems are described as systems with no physical associations. A Mobile adhoc system (MANET) is a makeshift remote system made out of remote versatile hubs, with no altered framework. There are no devoted switches, servers, access focuses, and so forth. Security is a crucial prerequisite in versatile specially appointed system (MANETs). When contrasted with wired systems, MANETs are more at danger to security assaults because of the absence of a trusted unified power and constrained assets. This paper will study the most wellknown Sybil assault with its past connected work and condition of workmanship.


Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET); Sybil Attack andSecurity.

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
来自:Seventh Sense Research Group Journal