
Symptom Clusters in Adults with Post-COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Survey

作   者:
Janet L. Larson;Weijiao Zhou;Philip T. Veliz;Sheere Smith;


页    码:暂无
出版社:SAGE Publications

摘   要:

More than 100 symptoms have been reported for post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and this study aimed to organize self-reported symptoms by identifying symptom clusters. We used a cross-sectional survey with a convenience sample of 491 adults who reported experiencing prolonged symptoms of COVID. A list of 25 symptoms of post-COVID-19 was used to measure the symptoms, and exploratory factor analysis was undertaken to identify symptom clusters for people with symptoms lasting 5 to 8 weeks and 9 weeks or longer. Six symptom clusters were identified for each of the two groups, and five clusters were similar across both groups: respiratory, general viral, smell/taste, cognitive cardiac, and mental health. The >9-week group reported symptoms primarily from two factors: respiratory-muscular and mental health. Post-COVID-19 symptom clusters differ across timeframes. Symptom clusters were useful in establishing coherent patterns of multiple complex symptoms.


COVID-19;long COVID;post-COVID condition;symptom cluster

Clinical Nursing Research
ISSN: 1054-7738
来自:SAGE Publications