[期刊论文][Full-length article]

Effects of dietary quercetin on the innate immune response and resistance to white spot syndrome virus in Procambarus clarkii

作   者:
Yunfei Zhang;Chongyang Xiao;Fei Zhu;


页     码:205 - 212
出版社:Elsevier BV

摘   要:

In recent years, the use of natural products with immune-stimulating and antimicrobial properties has attracted increasing attention in aquaculture researches. In our study, the effect of diet supplemented with quercetin, a flavonoid commonly found in some types of plants substance on the innate immune response and disease resistance in crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is reported. It was found that dietary 40 mg/kg quercetin significantly reduced the mortality of crayfish and WSSV copy number after WSSV challenge. Dietary quercetin increased catalase (CAT), and lysozyme (LZM) activity in crayfish. Dietary quercetin increased the expression of NF-κB, anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (ALF) and toll-like receptor (TLR) genes in crayfish. The apoptosis rate of hemocyte was increased by quercetin supplement in crayfish. Our results suggest that dietary quercetin may affect the innate immunity of crayfish and protect crayfish from WSSV infection.

Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Crayfish;Innate immunity;Quercetin;WSSV

Fish & Shellfish Immunology
ISSN: 1050-4648
来自:Elsevier BV