
Single-stranded DNA Plant Pathogens in Eilat

作   者:
Barbara Hohn;Thomas Hohn;


页     码:357 - 364
出版社:Springer Nature

摘   要:

An international conference on "Inter- and Intracellular Dynamics of ssDNA Plant Pathogens: Implications for Improving Resistance'' was sponsored by the United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD) and organized in Eilat, Israel in November 2005. The topic of this meeting was single-stranded plant pathogens, their inter- as well as intra-cellular dynamics and their implications for improving resistance. Most of the talks concentrated on new and very new findings on principles of virus and bacterium-host interactions, studies that no doubt will lead eventually to the establishment of plants resistant to viral and bacterial infections.


conference ;single stranded DNA ; Agrobacterium tumefaciens ;geminivirus

Plant Molecular Biology
ISSN: 0167-4412
来自:Springer Nature