
Interactions of Some Amino Acids with Aqueous Osmoprotectant Proline at 298.15 K: Volumetric and Calorimetric Studies

作   者:
Ruchika Sharma;Nand Kishore;


页     码:231 - 249
出版社:Springer Nature

摘   要:

Apparent molar volumes of a homologous series of amino acids in aqueous proline solutions have been obtained from densities at 298.15 K, measured with a vibrating-tube digital densimeter. These data have been used to deduce the partial molar volumes of transfer from water to aqueous proline solutions; these partial molar volumes of transfer are found to be positive for glycine, alanine, α -amino- n -butyric acid and valine, whereas they are negative for leucine. The number of water molecules hydrated to the amino acids was estimated from the partial molar volume data. In order to supplement this information, enthalpies of transfer of aqueous amino acids from water to 0.1, 2.25 and 1 mol⋅dm−3 aqueous proline have been determined at 298.15 K using a VP-ITC titration calorimeter. The data on the partial molar volumes and enthalpies of transfer are discussed in terms of various interactions operating in the ternary mixtures of amino acids, water and proline.


Amino acids ;partial molar volume ;densities ;isothermal titration calorimetry ;enthalpies of transfer ;proline

Journal of Solution Chemistry
ISSN: 0095-9782
来自:Springer Nature