
Development of twenty-two polymorphic microsatellite loci in the noble scallop, Chlamys nobilis

作   者:
Haitao Ma;Ziniu Yu;


页     码:1587 - 1590
出版社:Springer Nature

摘   要:

Twenty-two polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from the noble scallop, Chlamys nobilis with a partial genomic library enriched for tandem repeat sequences of (CA)12 and (GA)12. Polymorphism of these loci was assessed in a sample of 32 unrelated individuals. The average allele number was 7.23 per locus with a range of 3–19, and the observed and expected heterozygosity varied from 0.032–0.875 (averaging 0.452) and 0.315–0.939 (averaging 0.646), respectively. After Bonferroni correction ( P > 0.0023), 11 of the 22 markers accorded with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and the rest showed significant departure from HWE. Three pairs of loci showed significant linkage disequilibrium ( P C. farreri and Patinopecten yessoensis was detected. These markers would be useful for studies of population genetics, linkage mapping and other relevant research in C. nobilis .


Chlamys nobilis ;The noble scallop ;Microsatellites ;Polymorphism

Conservation Genetics
ISSN: 1566-0621
来自:Springer Nature