
Robot simulation and off-line programming

作   者:
S.F. Chan;R.H. Weston;K. Case;


页    码:157 - 157
出版社:Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

摘   要:

Robot simulation and off-line programming seem likely to have an increasingly important role in the evolution of CIM facilities. This article considers the capabilities and shortcomings of the current generation of off-line programming and graphical simulation systems. Methods of overcoming problems associated with calibration, lack of ‘user friendliness’ and integration within manufacturing systems are discussed through reference to research studies at Loughborough University.


off-line programming; robot simulation; Loughborough University; graphical simulation; manufacturing systems; user friendliness; CIM; offline programming; CAD/CAM

Computer-Aided Engineering Journal
ISSN: 0263-9327
来自:Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)