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One-step alternating direction implicit FDTD algorithm

作者:Liu Shao-Bin ;Liu San-Qiu

来源:Chinese Physics. 2004 ;13(11):1892-1895.doi:10.1088/1009-1963/13/11/022

出版社:IOP Publishing



FDTD Analysis of Reflection of Electromagnetic Wave from a Conductive Plane Covered with Inhomogeneous Time-Varying Plasma

作者:Liu Shao-bin ;Mo Jin-jun ;Yuan Nai-chang

来源:Plasma Science and Technology. 2003 ;5(1):1669-1676.doi:10.1088/1009-0630/5/1/011

出版社:IOP Publishing



Finite-difference time-domain studies of low-frequency stop band in superconductor-dielectric superlattice

作者:Wang Shen-Yun ;Liu Shao-Bin ;Le-Wei Joshua Li

来源:Chinese Physics B. 2010 ;19(8):084101.doi:10.1088/1674-1056/19/8/084101

出版社:IOP Publishing



The properties of photonic band gap and surface plasmon modes in the three-dimensional magnetized photonic crystals as the mixed polarized modes considered

作者:Zhang Hai-Feng ;Liu Shao-Bin ;Jiang Yu-Chi

来源:Journal of Plasma Physics. 2015 ;81(2).doi:10.1017/S0022377814001238

出版社:Cambridge University Press



Immunological status of patients with obstructive jaundice and immunostimulatory effect of arginine

作者:Li Hua ;Xiong Shu-tao ;Zhang Shou-xi

来源:Journal of Tongji Medical University. 1993 ;13(2):111-115.doi:10.1007/BF02887926

出版社:Springer Nature



Altered lymphocyte subsets and natural killer cells of patients with obstructive jaundice in perioperative period

作者:Li Hua ;Xiong Shu-tao ;Zhang Shou-xi

来源:Journal of Tongji Medical University. 1991 ;11(3):145-149.doi:10.1007/BF02888125

出版社:Springer Nature



Effects of surgical trauma on interleukin 2 production and interleukin 2 receptor expression

作者:Li Hua ;Xiong Shu-tao ;Zhang Shou-xi

来源:Journal of Tongji Medical University. 1992 ;12(3):160-163.doi:10.1007/BF02887817

出版社:Springer Nature



Interleukin 2 production and its relationship with T lymphocyte subsets in patients with obstructive jaundice

作者:Li Hua ;Xiong Shu-tao ;Zhang Shou-xi

来源:Journal of Tongji Medical University. 1992 ;12(3):164-168.doi:10.1007/BF02887818

出版社:Springer Nature



Effect of experimental acute hypertension of the biliary tract on hemodynamics and activity of the major splanchnic nerve in rabbits

作者:Hu You-hua ;Zheng Qi-chang ;Wang Di-xun

来源:Journal of Tongji Medical University. 1991 ;11(4):244-247.doi:10.1007/BF02888160

出版社:Springer Nature
