
In the footsteps of the ice sheet in the area of the planned geopark postglacial land of the Drawa and Dębnica rivers (the Drawskie Lakeland, Poland)

作   者:
Maria Górska-Zabielska;


页     码:37 - 56
出版社:Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe

摘   要:

The article presents 20 geosites located on five geotourist paths and their closest vicinity, constituting theinitial part of the planned geopark Postglacial land of Drawa and Dębnica. Geosites represent the most valuable abioticresources, proving the large geodiversity of the studied area. These are: 1. glacial and fluvioglacial accumulation forms(e.g.: terminal end-moraine of the Parsęta lobe, undulating moraine uplands, glacial deposits including erratic borderboulders, esker ridges), 2. glacial and fluvioglacial erosive forms (e.g.: channel and melt-out-depressions), 3. other (likee.g.: deep erosive and erosional-denudation valleys, erosive forms of groundwater or 1st order watershed between theOdra and Parsęta catchments). The purpose of the geosites characteristics in this paper is to support the developmentof geotourism in the peripheral tourist area.


geosite; geodiversity; geotourism; geopark; glaciomarginal zone; Drawskie Lakeland; north-western Poland

Landform Analysis
ISSN: 1429-799X
来自:Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe