This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding Ephedra and protexin on performance andsome carcass characteristics and intestinal morphology of Japanese quail. A total of 240 seven days old quailchicks were divided into 8 treatments with 3 replicates as factorial randomized design. The treatments weredivided as basal diet with no protexin and Ephedra kept as control, and 0.02 % (E1), 0.04% (E2) and 0.06 %(E3) Ephedra with 0.01 % or without protexin as P0 and P 1 were used respectively. The live body weightgains and feed consumption of birds were measured individually feed conversion efficiency were calculated.At the end of the trial for investigating the effect of using protexin and Ephedra supplementation onperformance of quails, 2 birds form each replicates were slaughtered and some blood samples were taken forhematological parameters determination. Data showed that using of protexin and Ephedra increased feedintake (FI) in treatments compared to control. Also body weight (BW) (g/d) and Pre-slaughter weigh (g) werehigher in protexin and Ephedra compared to the control. There were no significant differences (p<0.05) forfeed conversation ratio (FCR) among treatments. Data showed that using of protexin and Ephedra couldincrease carcass yield (g), breast and drumstick meat percentage none significantly. Data showed that heart andintestine weight also increased by using protexin and Ephedra (p<0.05). Morphological investigations showedthat using protexin and Ephedra could increase the length, width and height of intestinal villus. Data from thisstudy showed that protexin and Ephedra may be used as ingredient in quails ration without harming effects onperformance and carcass quality of birds.