
Impact of land pattern and hydrological properties of soil on cotton yield

作   者:
Tehreema Iftikhar;Lall Khan Babar;Sarwat Zahoor;Nasir Ghafoor Khan;


页     码:3023 - 3028
出版社:University of Karachi

摘   要:

The present study was conducted to determine the water requirement in various planting methods; flat sowing, ridges after first irrigation; flat sowing then skip irrigation; flat sowing, then alternate skip irrigation; flat sowing, then bed and furrow; and Bed and furrow at sowing, compared with conventional flat sowing. Water saving was observed in case of all treatments compared with flat sowing, however, maximum saving was recorded in case of bed and furrow sowing at planting followed by flat sowing, then bed and furrow sowing. However, yield was significantly higher in bed and furrow sowing compared with flat sowing whereas other water saving sowing methods recorded statistically comparable yield with flat sowing



Pakistan Journal of Botany
ISSN: 0556-3321
来自:University of Karachi