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Extraction of oil from Terminalia chebula kernel by using ultrasound technology: Influence of process parameters on extraction kinetics

作者:Dibya Ranjan Dash ;Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan

来源:Industrial Crops and Products. 2021 ;171:113893.doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113893

出版社:Elsevier BV



Effect of Moisture and Axes Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of the Myrobalan Fruits and its Seed Under Compressive Loading

作者:Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Akshay Sonawane ;Rama Chandra Pradhan

来源:Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A. 2020 ;101(4):679-688.doi:10.1007/s40030-020-00476-y

出版社:Springer Nature



Physical characterization and mass modeling of dried Terminalia chebula fruit

作者:Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan ;Sabyasachi Mishra

来源:Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2019 ;42(3).doi:10.1111/jfpe.12992

出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



Physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of bael fruit

作者:Akshay Sonawane ;Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan

来源:Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2020 ;43(6).doi:10.1111/jfpe.13393

出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



Optimization of a Process for the Enzymatic Extraction of Nutrient Enriched Bael Fruit Juice Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

作者:Akshay Sonawane ;Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan

来源:International Journal of Fruit Science. 2020 ;20(S3):S1845-S1861.doi:10.1080/15538362.2020.1834898

出版社:Taylor & Francis Group



Optimization of a Process for the Enzymatic Extraction of Nutrient Enriched Bael Fruit Juice Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

作者:Akshay Sonawane ;Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan

来源:International Journal of Fruit Science. 2020 ;20(S3):S1845-S1861.doi:10.1080/15538362.2020.1834898

出版社:Edinburgh University Press



Mass modeling of Belleric Myrobalan and its physical characterization in relation to post-harvest processing and machine designing

作者:Sumit Sudhir Pathak ;Rama Chandra Pradhan ;Sabyasachi Mishra

来源:Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020 ;57(4):1290-1300.doi:10.1007/s13197-019-04162-1

出版社:Springer Nature
