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Inter-governmental Fiscal Transfers in the Presence of Revenue Uncertainty: The Case of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee

来源:Journal of Development Policy and Practice. 2020 ;5(1):74-102.doi:10.1177/2455133320909927

出版社:SAGE Publications



Whether States Have Capacity to Sustain Projected Growth in GST Collection During the GST Compensation Period?

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee

来源:Review of Market Integration. 2019 ;11(1-2):097492921988213.doi:10.1177/0974929219882130

出版社:SAGE Publications



Estimation and Projection of Petroleum Demand and Tax Collection from Petroleum Sector in India

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee

来源:Journal of Infrastructure Development. 2020 ;12(1):39-68.doi:10.1177/0974930620903558

出版社:SAGE Publications



Environment, human development and economic growth: a contemporary analysis of Indian states

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee ;Debashis Chakraborty

来源:International Journal of Global Environmental Issues. 2009 ;9(1/2):20.doi:10.1504/IJGENVI.2009.022083

出版社:Inderscience Publishers



Is economic growth sustainable? Environmental quality of Indian States after 1991

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee ;Vinish Kathuria

来源:International Journal of Sustainable Development. 2006 ;9(1):38.doi:10.1504/IJSD.2006.010937

出版社:Inderscience Publishers



Fiscal Subsidies and Environmental Sustainability: What does the Cross-country Empirical Estimates Suggest?

作者:Debashis Chakraborty ;Sacchidananda Mukherjee

来源:Foreign Trade Review. 2013 ;48(3):383-397.doi:10.1177/0015732513496619

出版社:SAGE Publications



Do Foreign Trade and Investment Lead to Higher CO 2 Emissions? Evidence from Cross-Country Empirical Estimates

作者:Debashis Chakraborty ;Sacchidananda Mukherjee

来源:Review of Market Integration. 2013 ;5(3):329-361.doi:10.1177/0974929214538363

出版社:SAGE Publications



Can Economic Development Influence General Election Outcomes? Evidence from Consumption Expenditure Trends of Indian States

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee ;Debashis Chakraborty

来源:Journal of Development Policy and Practice. 2017 ;2(2):131-150.doi:10.1177/2455133317703206

出版社:SAGE Publications



Public Financing of Human Development in India: A Review

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee ;Shivani Badola

来源:Indian Journal of Human Development. 2021 ;15(1):62-81.doi:10.1177/09737030211005043

出版社:SAGE Publications



Relationship between Fiscal Subsidies and CO<sub><b>2</b></sub> Emissions: Evidence from Cross-Country Empirical Estimates

作者:Sacchidananda Mukherjee ;Debashis Chakraborty

来源:Economics Research International. 2014 ;2014.doi:10.1155/2014/346139

出版社:Hindawi Publishing Corporation
