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The contribution of perceptual factors and training on varying audiovisual integration capacity.

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Benjamin J. Dyson

来源:Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 2018 ;44(6):871-884.doi:10.1037/xhp0000503

出版社:American Psychological Association (APA)



The Dynamics and Neural Correlates of Audio-Visual Integration Capacity as Determined by Temporal Unpredictability, Proactive Interference, and SOA

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Benjamin J. Dyson

来源:PLoS ONE. 2016 ;11(12):e0168304.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168304

出版社:Public Library of Science (PLoS)



Effects of temporal asynchrony and stimulus magnitude on competitive audio–visual binding

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Benjamin J. Dyson

来源:Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2013 ;75(8):1883-1891.doi:10.3758/s13414-013-0527-9

出版社:Springer Nature



Individual differences in multiple object tracking, attentional cueing, and age account for variability in the capacity of audiovisual integration

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Annika Beatteay

来源:Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2020 ;82(7).doi:10.3758/s13414-020-02062-7

出版社:Springer Nature



Musical training improves memory for instrumental music, but not vocal music or words

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Sean Hutchins

来源:Psychology of Music. 2020 ;48(1):150-159.doi:10.1177/0305735618785452

出版社:SAGE Publications



Response orientation modulates pitch–space relationships: the ROMPR effect

作者:Sarah F. Klapman ;Jordan T. Munn ;Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks

来源:Psychological Research. 2021 ;85(6).doi:10.1007/s00426-020-01388-z

出版社:Springer Nature



Speech and non-speech measures of audiovisual integration are not correlated

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Violet A. Brown ;Julia F. Strand

来源:Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2022 ;84(6):1809-1819.doi:10.3758/s13414-022-02517-z

出版社:Springer Nature



Audiovisual integration capacity modulates as a function of illusory visual contours, visual display circumference, and sound type

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Antonina D. S. Pavilanis ;Dominic M. Rioux

来源:Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2020 ;82(4).doi:10.3758/s13414-019-01882-6

出版社:Springer Nature



Evaluating the mental health and well-being of Canadian healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak

作者:Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Lisa A. Best ;Moira A. Law

来源:Healthcare Management Forum. 2021 ;34(4):205-210.doi:10.1177/08404704211021109

出版社:SAGE Publications



Remember the past, plan for the future: How interactions between risk perception and behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic can inform future Canadian public health policy

作者:Moira A. Law ;Jonathan M. P. Wilbiks ;Sean P. Roach

来源:Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 ;10:2486.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.784955

出版社:Frontiers Media S.A.
