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Microfluidic device for separating mesenchymal stem cells from blood cells in amniotic fluid using cross-flow filtration technique

作者:B. Sabitha ;N.J.R. Muniraj

来源:International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 2018 ;27(1/2):3.doi:10.1504/IJBET.2018.093082

出版社:Inderscience Publishers



Optimal Placement of UPQC in Distribution Network Using Hybrid Approach

作者:Shravan Kumar Yadav ;B. Sabitha ;Anush Prabhakaran

来源:Cybernetics and Systems. 2023 ;54(7):1014-1036.doi:10.1080/01969722.2022.2129378

出版社:Taylor & Francis Group



A hybrid swarm intelligence approach for resolving reactive power dispatch issues in power system: Optimal placement and sizing of UPFC

作者:Sudhir Sharma ;B. Sabitha ;Anush Prabhakaran

来源:Advances in Engineering Software. 2022 ;170:103149.doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2022.103149

出版社:Elsevier BV



Microfluidic device for separating mesenchymal stem cells from blood cells in amniotic fluid using cross-flow filtration technique

作者:N.J.R. Muniraj ;B. Sabitha

来源:International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 2018 ;27(1/2):3.doi:10.1504/IJBET.2018.10014300

出版社:Inderscience Publishers
