We report experimental(p, ρ, T) data of methanolover the temperature range from 283 to 423 K at pressures between5 and 90 MPa. Measurements were carried out with a high-pressure vibrating-tubedensimeter (VTD), which was thoroughly calibrated using water, helium,and ethanol as reference fluids; propane was used for validation measurements.The liquid methanol sample with a purity of 99.93 mol % was decantedwithin an inert protective argon atmosphere and further degassed byseveral freeze–pump–thaw cycles. Considering the measurementuncertainties in temperature, pressure, and oscillation period, aswell as uncertainties resulting from the calibration and the impuritiesof the sample, the relative, combined expanded uncertainty (k = 2) in density was estimated to be in the range from0.1380 to 0.1635%. Schilling-type and Tait-type correlation equationswere regressed to the experimental densities with a maximum relativecombined expanded uncertainty of 0.1662%. Furthermore, we discussthe utilization of an “artificial intelligence-powered”modeling tool within the process of fitting the Schilling-type equationand the extrapolation behavior of three fitted correlation equations.