
Construction and analysis of acupoint network with functional similarity in Traditional Chinese Medicine

作   者:
WenJun Zhang;YanHong Qi;


页     码:74 - 83
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

In this study, we constructed the data table of acupoint functions (i.e., acupoint indications and clinical applications) based on the previously developed information system of acupoint diagnosis and treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Based on the data table of acupoint functions, between-acupoint point correlations were calculated. Acupoints with statistically significant point correlations were linked to construct the acupoint network with functional similarity. The degree centrality values of acupoints (totally 311 acupoints) showed that the acupoints Zhengying (GB17), Qinglengyuan (SJ11), Jiaji (EX-B2), etc. have the highest degree centrality values. Most of these acupoints are located on the head and neck, and their functions are universal. The acupoints Yinbai (SP1) and Zhongkui (EX-UE4) have strong specific functions and weak substitutability. The results of frequency distribution, skewness, aggregation index, coefficient of variation, entropy, and probability distributions showed that the obtained acupoint network is a scale-free complex network. Among them, the probability density function of the power law distribution is p(x)=x^(-6.1818), x not less than 36.


acupoint network ; acupoints ; indications and clinical applications ; functional similarity ; point correlation ; degree centrality ; network topology ; TCM

Network Biology
ISSN: 2220-8879
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences