
Impact of periodicity and stochastic impact on COVID-19 pandemic: A mathematical model

作   者:
Kalyan Das;Ranjith Kumar;Prasenjit Das;


页     码:120 - 132
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

We analyzed the features of the COVID-19 outbreak with temporal delay and stochastic influence using the SIRS epidemic model in this study. We investigate the local stability of each equilibrium point in terms of basic reproduction numbers. Hopf bifurcation is detected in the system, and a time delay is inserted in the transmission terms to represent the virus's incubation period. The spread of the novel COVID-19 strain to humans is influenced by environmental conditions such as mugginess, precipitation, and temperature. To explore the impact of environmental oscillations on the coronavirus, we employ white noise perturbations in the system. Finally, we examine the mathematical reenactments using MATLAB.


COVID-19 ; stability ; Hopf-bifurcation ; stochasticity ; white noise

Network Biology
ISSN: 2220-8879
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences