
WRKYs in Durum wheat: Intrinsic disorder and interactions

作   者:
Mouna Choura;Faical Brini;


页     码:116 - 119
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

The WRKY transcription factors are involved in a range of biological processes in plants, including the response to biotic and abiotic stresses and plant immunity. There is also evidence that intrinsic disorder proteins (IDPs) are involved in key cellular functions such as regulating biological processes. Here, the intrinsic disorder distribution of WRKYs within T. turgidium and its protein-protein interactions are investigated. The analysis showed that the hub proteins have higher level of disorder content in T. turgidium. In comparison to other cereals, it is shown the intrinsic features in T. turgidium are evolutionary conserved, which may explain the multifunctionality of WRKYs in plants.


Durum wheat ; intrinsic disorder ; protein-protein interaction ; WRKY

Network Biology
ISSN: 2220-8879
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences