
Competências para inovar na Indústria 4,0 do setor têxtil e de vestuário brasileiro

作   者:
Kamila Rodrigues Merle;Ricardo Kropf Santos Fermam;


页    码:暂无
出版社:Universidade Federal Fluminense

摘   要:

For the use of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, organizational skills are needed to provide conditions for the implementation of new technologies, which the Brazilian textile and clothing industry does not currently have, so it needs to identify and develop the necessary skills. To this end, it is necessary to search for a robust literary base, which conditions the definition of organizational skills for innovation in this context. The methodology used has four stages. As a result of the search carried out within the theoretical framework, several concepts and definitions of the competencies to innovate in the national industrial context were identified. It was concluded that while the systematic literature review contributes to the understanding of the theme, it is still little addressed in the academic area. The organizational competencies identified will provide conditions for planning and implementing innovation, contributing to industrial competitiveness in the national textile and clothing sector. Keywords: innovation; Industry 4.0; Brazilian Industrie 4.0; textile industry; and organizational competencies.



Sistemas Gestão
ISSN: 1980-5160
来自:Universidade Federal Fluminense