
Estimating and mapping woodland biomass and carbon using Landsat 8 vegetation index: A case study in Dirmaga Watershed, Ethiopia

作   者:
M. Adamsew Marelign;D. Temesgen Mekonen;


页     码:67 - 79
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

This study was conducted to estimate the above and below ground carbon storage in the Woodlands of Dirmaga Watershed, North Western Ethiopia. The field data were collected through systematic random sampling techniques of 40 sample plots. The above-ground biomass and below-ground biomass of the study area was collected from 20 m by 20 m area of the main plot. The biomass and carbon stock of the woodland was estimated using site-specific allometric models and Landsat 8 NDVI and analyzed by ArcGIS. The result showed that the mean carbon stock of above-ground carbon and below-ground carbon were accounted for about 291.47 t/ha and 24.81 t/ha, respectively. The relationship between AGC and NDVI was strong with correlation coefficient of 0.86 and R2 value of 0.745. Tree species of Anogeissus leiocarrpa, Adansonia digitata and Diospyros mespiliformis sequestered the largest portion of the carbon stockwhile, Ficus sycomorus L., Rhus glutinosa and Securinega virosa were the least contributor of carbon stock. The woodland has a great potential for carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation and the concerned body should conserve and manage the resource properly.


carbon stock ; woodland ; allometric equation ; NDVI ; regression ; correlation

Computational Ecology and Software
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences