
The impact of media coverage on the dynamics of vector-borne diseases

作   者:
Aadil Hamid;Poonam Sinha;


页     码:54 - 66
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

In this paper, the impact of media coverage on the transmission of vector borne diseases has been investigated. The model exhibits two equilibria: a disease-free and a unique endemic equilibrium. The model is analyzed using Hurwitz criterion and Geometric approach. The numerical simulations of model reveals that, the effects of media coverage on the transmission of vector-borne disease endemic may decrease the peak value of the infectives or the average number of the infectives in different cases.


vector-borne diseases ; media coverage ; global stability ; numerical simulation

Computational Ecology and Software
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences