
Susceptible-Infected-Treatment model with disease infection in prey population recovered by treatment

作   者:
S.Saranya;S.Vijaya;E. Rekha;


页     码:12 - 22
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

This paper describes a mathematical model with Susceptible-Infected-Treatment under disease infection in prey population. The controls methods are one is separating control that is to separate the prey from infected prey by means of self quarantine and the another one as a treatment control that is to reduce the rate of death caused by the disease. A local study of the model is performed around the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium to estimate the effect of parameters that control disease spread and species coexistence. Some numerical solutions are given to explain most of the analytical results.


susceptible-infected ; prey-predator system ; global stability ; treatment ; Hopf bifurcation ; harvesting

Computational Ecology and Software
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences