
A geometric morphometric study in the population of Sharpnose Hammer Coacker (Johnius borneensis, Blecker 1851) from Butuan Bay, Caraga, Philippines

作   者:
C.C. Cabuga Jr.;M. K. A. Angco;Y. G. Codaste;S. M. N. Salvaleon;J. M. D. Pondang;


页     码:1 - 11
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

摘   要:

Geometric morphometric is an efficient and systematic tool to identify unnoticeable shape differences among biological entities. Sharpnose Hammer Coaker (Johnius borneensis) is a brackish fish and serves as a resource commodity in the study area. The study aims to investigate the body shape variations among its population. 100 individuals comprising 50 males and 50 females of the same size were collected and subjected to Symmetry and Asymmetry Geometric Data Software (SAGE). Procrustes ANOVA shows that males have a significant difference (P less than 0.0001) among the factors analyzed (Individuals, Sides, and Individuals x sides). While females two factors (Sides and Individuals x Sides) show a significant difference (P less than 0.0001), however, the individuals show non-significant. Principal Component Analysis in male fish shows a total of (82.92%) while female shows (84.55%). This implied body shape variation from the collected samples. Thus, it represents a difference in morphology. While indicating a subtle detail on how male populations differ from female populations and vice versa. The importance of geometric morphometric analysis provides a vital tool to define discreet morphological variations among species of the same taxa.


estuary ; itchyofauna ; morphology ; shape discrimination

Computational Ecology and Software
来自:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences