
Vicissitudes Of Youth Culture: Primary Epoch To The New Fangled World

作   者:
Jaspreet Kaur;


页     码:303 - 319
出版社:Scholar Publications

摘   要:

In historical terms, the study of "youth cultures" is a relatively new of area of sociological analysis. The term youth culture is used generally in reference to the ways adolescents set themselves apart from the adult culture. The study of youth culture in the social and human sciences has become a major academic enterprise since the 1960s. Hip hop culture or hip-hop is a cultural movement that formed during the late 1960s among African American youths residing in the South Bronx in New York City. Punk "started out as a music-based subculture"; that much is agreed upon by all, whether they laud punk or deplore it. In sociology, the jock is thought to be included within the socialite subculture, which also contains the preps and Ivy-Leaguers. Geoffrey Pearson in his work namely "Hooligan: A History of Respectable Fears" published in 1983 gives us a solid historical perspective on the "recurrent problem of youth" in Britain throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. In recent developments in identity theory, identities are organized as control systems that act to maintain congruency between the internalized self-meanings (one's identity standard) and perceptions of the meaning of the self in ongoing social situations. Also, “emo” culture is another revolution among youth which has its roots in the mid 80s. Cliques too hold utmost importance in the contemporaneous world. Mean Girls brought the portrayal of teen girls as socially aggressive to the forefront of popular discourse about female adolescence. Adolescent sexuality is sexual feelings, behavior and development in adolescents and a stage of human sexuality. Sexuality is often a vital aspect of teenagers' lives. The sexual behavior of adolescents is, in most cases, influenced by their culture's norms and mores, their sexual orientation, and the issues of social control such as age of consent laws. Keywords: enterprise, recurrent, internalized, discourse, orientation.



International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies
ISSN: 2349-6711
来自:Scholar Publications