
Switchgrass Harvest Time Effects on Nutrient Use and Yield: An Economic Analysis

作   者:
Cahil, Nathanial;Popp, Michael;West, Charles;Rocateli, Alexandre;Ashworth, Amanda;Farris, Rodney Sr.;Dixon, Bruce;


页     码:487 - 507
出版社:Food Distribution Research Society

摘   要:

This article analyzes economic tradeoffs among harvest date, fertilizer applied, nutrient removal, and switchgrass yield as they vary with respect to input and output prices. Economic sensitivity analyses suggest that higher biomass prices lead to earlier harvest. Optimal harvest time occurs beyond time of maximum yield because nutrient removal in the biomass is an important economic consideration. Switchgrass price premia that reflect the cost of nonoptimal harvest time are driven by standing crop yield loss, nutrient removal, storage loss, and opportunity cost. These price premia could provide a mechanism to compensate producers for alternative harvest times and aid with logistics management.


harvest date;nutrient use;switchgrass

Journal of Food Distribution Research
ISSN: 0047-245X
来自:Food Distribution Research Society