
Mass spectrometry based proteomics, background, status and future needs

作   者:
Peter Roepstorff;


页     码:641 - 647
出版社:Higher Education Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbH

摘   要:

An overview of the background for proteomics and a description of the present state of art are given with a description of the main strategies in proteomics. The advantages and limitations of the two major strategies, 2D-gel based and LC-MS based, are discussed and a combination for the two, CeLC-MS is described. A number of challenging problems which have been solved using different proteomics strategies including the advantage of organell enrichment or modifications specific peptide isolation to get deeper into the proteome are described. Finally the present status and future needs discussed.


proteomics ;2D-PAGE ;LC-MS ;isoforms ;phosphorylation

Protein & Cell
ISSN: 1674-800X
来自:Higher Education Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbH