
AoMedA has a complex regulatory relationship with AoBrlA, AoAbaA, and AoWetA in conidiation, trap formation, and secondary metabolism in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

作   者:
Na Bai;Meihua Xie;Qianqian Liu;Yingmei Zhu;Xuewei Yang;Ke-Qin Zhang;Jinkui Yang;


页    码:暂无
出版社:American Society for Microbiology

摘   要:

Conidiation is the most common reproductive mode for many filamentous fungi and plays an essential role in the pathogenicity of fungal pathogens. Nematode-trapping (NT) fungi are a special group of filamentous fungi owing to their innate abilities to capture and digest nematodes by producing traps (trapping devices). Sporulation plays an important role in the growth and reproduction of NT fungi, and conidia are the basic components of biocontrol reagents for controlling diseases caused by plant-parasitic nematodes. Arthrobotrys oligospora is a well-known NT fungus and is a routinely used model fungus for probing the interaction between fungi and nematodes. In this study, the functions of four key regulators (AoMedA, AoBrlA, AoAbaA, and AoWetA) involved in conidiation were characterized in A. oligospora . A complex interaction between AoMedA and three central regulators was noted; these regulators are required for conidiation and trap formation and play a pleiotropic role in multiple intracellular activities. Our study first revealed the role of AoMedA and three central regulators in conidiation, trap formation, and pathogenicity of A. oligospora , which contributed to elucidating the regulatory mechanism of conidiation in NT fungi and helped in developing effective reagents for biocontrol of nematodes.



Applied and Environmental Microbiology
ISSN: 0099-2240
来自:American Society for Microbiology