
How to make DNA data storage more applicable

作   者:
Aman Akash;Elena Bencurova;Thomas Dandekar;


页    码:暂无
出版社:Elsevier BV

摘   要:

The storage of digital data is becoming a worldwide problem. DNA has been recognized as a biological solution due to its ability to store genetic information without alteration over long periods. The first demonstrations of high-capacity long-lasting DNA digital data storage have been shown. However, high storage costs and slow retrieval of the data must be overcome to make DNA data storage more applicable and marketable. Herein, we discuss the issues and recent advances in DNA data storage methods and highlight pathways to make this technology more applicable to real-world digital data storage. We envision that a combination of molecular biology, nanotechnology, novel polymers, electronics, and automation with systematic development will allow DNA data storage sufficient for everyday use.

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DNA;automation;data storage;electronic polymer;encoding schema;synthetic biology

Trends in Biotechnology
ISSN: 0167-7799
来自:Elsevier BV