
Deep Learning (CNN) and Transfer Learning: A Review

作   者:
Jaya Gupta;Sunil Pathak;Gireesh Kumar;


页    码:012029 - 012029
出版社:IOP Publishing

摘   要:

Deep Learning is a machine learning area that has recently been used in a variety of industries. Unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised-learning are only a few of the strategies that have been developed to accommodate different types of learning. A number of experiments showed that deep learning systems fared better than traditional ones when it came to image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. Several real-world applications and hierarchical systems have utilised transfer learning and deep learning algorithms for pattern recognition and classification tasks. Real-world machine learning settings, on the other hand, often do not support this assumption since training data can be difficult or expensive to get, and there is a constant need to generate high-performance beginners who can work with data from a variety of sources. The objective of this paper is using deep learning to uncover higher-level representational features, to clearly explain transfer learning, to provide current solutions and evaluate applications in diverse areas of transfer learning as well as deep learning.



Journal of Physics: Conference Series
来自:IOP Publishing