[期刊论文][Full-length article]

Noetherian operators and primary decomposition

作   者:
Justin Chen;Marc Härkönen;Robert Krone;Anton Leykin;


页     码:1 - 23
出版社:Elsevier BV

摘   要:

Noetherian operators are differential operators that encode primary components of a polynomial ideal. We develop a framework, as well as algorithms, for computing Noetherian operators with local dual spaces, both symbolically and numerically. For a primary ideal, such operators provide an alternative representation to one given by a set of generators. This description fits well with numerical algebraic geometry, taking a step toward the goal of numerical primary decomposition.


Noetherian operators ; Inverse systems ; Primary decomposition

Journal of Symbolic Computation
ISSN: 0747-7171
来自:Elsevier BV