
Cyclic codes over the ring $$ Z_{P^2 } $$ of length p e

作   者:
Minjia Shi;Shixin Zhu;


页     码:636 - 640
出版社:Springer Nature

摘   要:

The study of cyclic codes over rings has generated a lot of public interest. In this paper, we study cyclic codes and their dual codes over the ring \( Z_{P^2 } \) of length p e , and find a set of generators for these codes. The ranks and minimal generator sets of these codes are studied as well, which play an important role in decoding and determining the distance distribution of codes.


Cyclic code ;Rank ;Minimal generator set ;TN911.22

Journal of Electronics (China)
ISSN: 0217-9822
来自:Springer Nature