
Selective formation of benzo[c]cinnoline by photocatalytic reduction of 2,2′-dinitrobiphenyl using TiO 2 and under UV light irradiation

作   者:
Jaspreet Kaur;Bonamali Pal;


页     码:8500 - 8503
出版社:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

摘   要:

Photocatalytic reduction of 25 μmol 2,2′-dinitrobiphenyl in 50% aqueous iso-propanol and 50 mg P25-TiO2 under an argon atmosphere and 20 h UV light irradiation selectively produced 23.8 μmol of benzo[c]cinnoline (95%), and 2,2′-biphenyldiamine (5%) whose amount gradually increased with the irradiation time beyond 20–24 h due to further reduction of benzo[c]cinnoline.



Chemical Communications
ISSN: 1359-7345
来自:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)