
Fission studies of gold induced by (1665 MeV) π − using a CR-39 detector

作   者:
Muhammad Ikram Shahzad;Zafar Yasin;Gul Sher;


页     码:132 - 135
出版社:IOP Publishing

摘   要:

The fission cross section and fission probability of 197Au, induced by (1665 MeV) π, have been studied using CR-39 track detectors. A 4π-geometry was used to count track statistics. A beam of negative pions of 1665 MeV was produced at AGS of Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, and allowed to fall normally on the stack. Two detectors from the stack were scanned for fission fragment tracks after etching in 6N NaOH at 70 °C. The statistics of fission fragment tracks in both detectors were obtained. It was found that there was a marked asymmetry of registered tracks with respect to the forward and backward hemispheres. This asymmetry could be partly accounted for on the basis of momentum transfer to the struck nucleus. On the basis of counting statistics fission cross section was measured, and fission probability was determined by dividing the fission cross section with the reaction cross section. The fission cross-section and fission probability were compared with the computed values using the cascade-exciton model code CEM95.


fission cross section;CEM95

Chinese Physics C
ISSN: 1674-1137
来自:IOP Publishing