
Highly-active, graphene-supported platinum catalyst for the solventless hydrosilylation of olefins

作   者:
Caleb J. Kong;Stanley E. Gilliland;Brian R. Clark;B. Frank Gupton;


页     码:13343 - 13346
出版社:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

摘   要:

Herein we report the development of the first graphene-supported platinum catalyst that has demonstrated exceptional catalytic activity and stability for hydrosilylation reactions of olefins (TOF 4.8 × 106 h−1, TON = 9.4 × 106). The catalyst also exhibited functional group tolerance over a broad range of industrially relevant substrates with minimal metal leaching. In addition, the catalyst system was successfully translated into a packed bed platform for continuous hydrosilylation reactions.



Chemical Communications
ISSN: 1359-7345
来自:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)